Tokidoki Instore

Tokidoki rocks the free world, we are the only store in Scotland selling the T's.
Tokidoki means 'Sometimes' in Japanese. Simone Legno, the creator of Tokidoki clothing says she chose a Japanese word because she loves Japan. She chose 'Sometimes' because everyone waits for moments that change one's destiny. By simple chance or meeting a new person, Tokidoki is the hope, the hidden energy has inside that gives us the strength to face a new day and dream something positive, that something magical will happen to us.
Just stumbled upon your blog and realised that you sell tokidoki stuff in Glasgow! We ( are constantly on a lookout for places that sells tokidoki items, and was wondering if you can provide more information so that our readers can look your store up as well.
We need to find out from you, what items you carry (EU or US line), where do you get your items from and who can buy them etc. Feel free to drop me an email at
Thanks so much for sharing and spreading the tokidoki love! =)