Watcmen is bollocks

Last night at the flicks i lost 2hrs and 40 mins of my life, this is time i am never getting back, and for what, 'The Watchmen'.
Bollocks, bollocks and more utter bollocks, anyone who says they liked this film is a fud, its terrible, if it wasn't for silk spectre id a been out of there, luckily my wife brought chocolate and boxes of cadburys chocolate fingers to keep me occupied.
But if theres someone you hate or want to get back, tell them go see this and that its great, job done
you are supposed to get seriously b'd and then see the flick. chocolates are not sufficient unless they are special chocolates which cadbury's (amazingly tasting) are not "special".
plus do you not want the powers of a quantum super hero or wonder about the psyche profile of someone with enormous crime fighting skills.
give it a rest - see the movie for what it is - an exercise in making superheroes more human while at the same time making them something greater than human.
your store name is Fat Buddha but you hated the Watchmen - WTF???
Just wondering, have you read the comic book? I honestly thought it's the best film I've seen this year so far, but I've read the comic book.
he didnt like the film, you dont like fatbuddha
man was invented, had OPINIONS, now i will find you, and i will fight you.