This week's magazines: Aperture, Art Review, Creative Review, Frieze

We have a plethora of new magazine titles dropping this week on a range of subjects from the creative arts to fashion and culture. First of we start with art magazine Aperture . This issue is devoted to interviews and features the following William Klein interview by Aaron Schuman, Boris Mikhailov interview by Viktor Misiano, Guido Guidi interview by Antonello Frongia, Rosalind Fox Solomon interview by Francine Prose, Bertien van Manen interview by Kim Knoppers, Bruce Davidson interview by Charlotte Cotton, David Goldblatt interview by Jonathan Cane, Ishiuchi Miyako interview by Yuri Mitsuda and Paolo Gasparini interview by Sagrario Berti. In the September issue of Art Review we have Pablo Bronstein on Conservatism, Paul McCarthy, Amalia Ulman and the fourth of our annual focuses on Brazil - with Tamar Guimarães, Poema/Processo poetry movement, Mônica Nador, Ivan Grilo and an artist project by Gustavo Speridião. Creative Review's September issue is dedicated to all thi...