That time is almost upon us again-the Glasgow Book Festival or the Aye Write! Bank of Scotland Book Festival to give it it's full christian name.

This year has quite a good
lineup kicking off with Alan Bennett on March 6th and closing with the Aye Write Awards ceremony via Louise Welsh, AL Kennedy, Melvyn Bragg, Christopher Brookmyre and Robert Crawford. While this festival is still relatively in the shadow of the Edinburgh Book Festival, it's building a reputation as a down to earth, compact festival with a great range of stuff. Most importantly, in my opinion, it's offering many events for free.

Picks for me are the above Alasdair Gray, author of Lanark, painter and all round phenom on the 8th at the Mitchell. Also check Rodge Glass discussing his biography of Gray, which is mightly good, right before the Gray show on the 8th. And Shetland poets with Jen Hadfield, Robert Alan Jamieson, Christie Williamson, Chris Stout, David Kinloch and Catriona McKay.
But of course, the event that you've all been waiting for is on the 14th March at the Mitchell, 11am. I'll be performing and discussing new work (apparently) with Rodge Glass, Ewan Morrison, Souhir Zerki and Gabriella Bennett in what promises to be one of my famous calamitous performances (if you've seen me perform, you'll know this all too well.) Tickets for all events are available from the Mitchell Library.