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Hi guys! I'm back after a month or two break to focus on exams! I've done a good bit of painting in that time so i have a stack of pictures to get up. I'm going to start off with one of the most recent, and one of my favorites. I was using The old style monsters cans, but have been using Ironlak a lot lately so I'll get some pic of that up soon.

Above is the original sketch, It was drawn on the train to work!
Above is the Outline, The paint colour was light green and pistachio

Above is the original sketch, It was drawn on the train to work!
Above is the fill, The original sketch was pretty bland so i though different coloured letters would Spice it up a little.
Above is Another outline and 3D done in forest green, I was down to the dregs of the can so the bottom left is a bit patchy.
So that was the first of many too come, i hope you liked it, and remember for all your graffiti supplies and needs Head in store, or go online for quick delivery and great prices.
Thanks for reading, Calum.
You should also go back at the end with a super skinny on the can used for your fill and sharpen up any lines that need doing.