Vice Magazine - The World Hates You
We have just taken delivery of the new copy of Vice Magazine here at Fat Buddha Store, which comes under the title The World Hates You. The magazine always seems to disappear pretty quickly in our store and seems to be a firm favourite with our shop goers. Vice Magazine started out as a reaction against the humourless, self-righteous posers of the end of the 90s. Originally a black and white fanzine, the magazine is published in 30 countries across the globe, and has grown into a multimedia empire. A conglomerate of writers, photographers, artists and filmmakers, they report first-hand on war, terrorism the environment and how everything is going to hell with as much relish as they do sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll - all served up with a large dose of humour.
The magazine also own The Old Blue Last which is a pub / live venue in Shoreditch, East London.
Since 2004 they’ve been bringing some of the best forward-thinking bands and DJs seven nights a week, as well as secret shows by some of the biggest names around. The bar is shown below.
If you have never picked up the magazine before, you should swing by Fat Buddha Store and pick one up, it's time to find out for yourself. Welcome to the world of Vice. You'll like it.