30mm Paint Pen tutorial

The marker above is a light blue, so its better for darker surfaces. Like the 15mm when you buy the pen there is no paint in the nib, you need to remove the lid, pump the nib until the paint start to seep through the felt, then its ready to write. The major difference between the 15mm and the 30mm is clear, the size of the nib, this means the 30mm will take a bit longer to fill the nib as it needs a bit more paint.
If you remove the top, inside you will see cotton wool, this was added to make the marker drip less. If you remove this your marker will be more drippy, if your markers too messy for your liking add more cotton wool or pump the nib less. The 30mm is a great pen that covers brilliantly. The 15mm and 30mm pens are a pair and are a great price.
thanks for reading, Calum.