Duffer of St George rescued.

Duffer of St George has been rescued by the management in a buyout before the brand went down the pan.
A newly formed company called 'Nihocco 3493' rescued it from the hands of the evil administrators.
Duffer store in London was always my favourite store to visit, always seemed to have the coolest staff and a great buzz about the place.
Then it done its difusion line to Debenhams and still expected indies to carry on stocking the main line, hmm, always going to end in disaster that one.

Aspecto used to sell this buy the box full and it was available in many many colours, there must be a few still lurking about in peoples wardrobes out there.
I was surprised to still see it available on their website, i thought they had stopped making it.

MHI have got some guys in called Baker Tilley to try and sell the brand.
I think they may have left it 2 years to late, 2 years ago it was still highly regarded and selling, if you look at all the retailers that have stopped stoking their brands, i cant see how there is a business to buy.
I used to buy all my stuff half price in the frasers sale, then when we stocked it instore, we had a hard time with it.
Interesting to see if it is bought or ends up going down