Blind-boxed toys your thing? Let's get ripping!!

Last week I did a post about one of my favourite UK design teams (Peskimo) and in the week since then a couple of other UK designers have been releasing information of their upcoming releases so I thought I'd give you all a little heads up to make sure you don't miss out on them. The artists in question are Jon Burgerman and the ever tasty team TADO.
Most UK toy/urban vinyl collectors have been waiting for this for a long time, they had a little treat when the 8" Dunnys were released a couple of months ago but the blind-boxed mini figure series is arguably the most popular format in collectible art toys and BOTH of these releases are indeed blind-boxed!! They will be out out by Kid robot so they should be in the shop for ordering (I think it's the month after the release date that the UK orders come in).

That's right, TADO also have a massive 7" vinyl treat released on the same day!! :D Tulip is the perfect companion for your TADO mini-figs and it certainly is a treat for the eyes. It looks like I'll have to clear some shelf space. Once more here is the official word:"Plucked from TADO’s Cannibal Funfair print series, 7-inch Tulip hacks its prey to pieces with its supple wrists and removable ax. Tulip’s wrenches, screwdrivers and bones come in handy for those peskier jobs. Packed in a TADO-designed box ."
The awesomeness doesn't stop there folks because the enigmatic Mr Jon Burgerman has his own mini figure blind-boxed series coming soon too!! Jon's Heroes of Burgertown minis are due to drop on September 25th and are based on the lively doodles that come flooding from Jon's brain fueled by Tea dreams and the aroma of Posca pens.
Here are some pics of the prototypes and as you can see the doodle style has been totally retained by the sculptor(s). I have seen some colour versions and I can tell you that they are perfect renditions of Jon's work. I would post some colour pics but I don't want to tread on any toes. If he gives it the OK I'll post a pic of my favourite one next week. These images are courtesy of
If you'd like to learn more about either of the artists mentioned here today check out their web sites or just go Google them. If you have any of those weighty design or illustration books on your coffee table (Pictoplasma etc) then you'll be able to check out some more of their designs in there.
Tune in next Tuesday for a feature on customizing. See you next week! :D