Blog Review
Yo Yo Yo, at Xmas time it truly will be Ho Ho Ho, but anyway, this weeks blog review goes to the Sexy Mark Bukland, as voted by some of the ladies in the store.

Mark is Fat Buddha's weekend warrior, giving me my days of and generally all round helping out.
Mark runs the Cargo nights, a collection of music, graffiti, spoken word & other coolities, Marks writing is acerbic, cutting but bloody funny, he is political and has been threatened with legal action for some of his blog posts.
Mark runs the Cargo nights, a collection of music, graffiti, spoken word & other coolities, Marks writing is acerbic, cutting but bloody funny, he is political and has been threatened with legal action for some of his blog posts.

He makes me laugh and his blog, if it is an insight into his mind is worrying indeed, so ad Mark Buckland onto your list of Fave blogs and check him out at on a regular basis.
Much appreciated.