I'm late!! I'm late!!!

Yes indeedy this week I am the tardy white rabbit. After a weekend of fun and frolics and the loyal (if a touch evil) minion hanging around the homestead today due to a flight home yesterday and a day off today my little brain has been in a bit of a tizz, the result being me turning on my computer to write my blog post for tomorrow only to find out that this IS tomorrow!!!

Acid Head Dunny by Kid Robot

Today I'm doing a quick post in an effort to put you onto an artist that I consider one of the best, the fella's name? It's none other than Tim Biskup.
I first got into Biskups work when I got his L.A. series Dunny and later his 8" Acid head variation (pictured above).

Gama-Go Yeti T-shirt and Qee

I later picked up his Yeti Qee (still one of my favourites) and a few other bits and pieces and I guess I got hooked. Even the minion rates the Yeti design as a stand out design, in fact in my whole collection she's picked it as her all-time favourite piece!

Biskup Sketchel design

I really like the abstract jazz-style of his graphics, they really remind me of the work of Jim Flora and the cards that bookended the old Tom and Jerry cartoons. Have a clickety-click at the link, I'm sure you'' see the similarity. :D

Biskup has his fingers in a lot of pies, Fine Art, Gama-Go clothing line, a series of wicked-cool books and of course toys (vinyl and wood). At this years SDCC he even some huge wooden Deathbots for sale. I've had to make do with a couple of the 5" ones. If you have the opportunity check out some of his books. 100 paintings is a very classy (and tiny) tome and he also has 3 volumes of his Jackson 500 available to buy too. I can often be seen rockin' my Deathbot hoody.

The one thing I really want but I've yet to get a hold of is his Helper vinyl figure. To me this is the epitome of Biskup at his coolest. Hopefully one day I'll be able to snag one someday soon!!

Helper (The Biskup holy grail)


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