Hi guys, this week as been a busy one, back to school and its the run up to the prelims, I've had two tests and everyone's upping the pressure to get through the course. So this has meant that i haven't been painting(sadly) but i have managed to fit in a few sketches here and there. for example on the train to work, and in between maths homework and geography. Yawn! I'll stop moaning and put some pictures up. There all kinda different and they're words i don't usually write, but i hope they influence or inspire you.
Above is the word EXPO, no idea where the name came from, but it's pen, felt tip and a highlighter for the 3D.

Above is my usual, NON2. It's coloured pencils, fades from yellow to blue.

Above is EAC, strange one again but i like the fill, which was a green felt tip and a yellow highlighter.

Above is my usual, NON2. It's coloured pencils, fades from yellow to blue.

Above is EAC, strange one again but i like the fill, which was a green felt tip and a yellow highlighter.

Above is CEAL, a Snake, and the face of a monkey. all done in pencil.
Above is 271, it was done in pen, 3d with a cool effect, strange angle as it was a scrap piece of paper on the train.
These aren't my best work but its what I've done this week, and i hope you like them. I want to finish this post with a big thanks to the person that left a comment on my last post. Great advice and I'll keep it in mind for my next painting session.
Thanks for reading, Calum.